Our Students from class IX – XI participated in SAI TECH S2T Science Project contest conducted by Sairam group of institutions at Sairam Engineering College on 27.10.18.
6 working models – 3 in Junior Scientist (9th & 10th std) 3 in young Scientist (11th & 12th std) were exhibited under different category.
In the Junior scientist – Infra Structure our model “Movable Bridge “ made by H. Krithiga, R.Jothika & P.Lekha of Class IX bagged the third prize , a cash award of ` 1000/-
In the Young Scientist – Robotics,” RF controlled Robot “done by V.Aditya, Arpit Singh & V.Tharun Logesh of class XI won the second Prize , a cash award of ` 2500/- .
The cash prizes were awarded by Shri Sai Prakash Leo Muthu CEO Sairam Institutions. Mr.Pradeep Johnson, Tamil Nadu Weather Man Kanchipuram,CEO & the President of Tamil Nadu council for science and Technology. were the chief guests of the day.