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Sairam Tvr
International Women’s Day Celebration on 08-03-2025
Young Champion Sri Nikkesh Earns Guinness Appreciation for Karate Feat
Road Safety and Helmet Awareness Rally on 15-03-2025
Bureau Of Indian Standard Name Of The Students Prize List
A. Dinesh of 7th (B) Received Guinness Record appreciation certificate for Karate display at Coimbatore.
Ministry of Youth Welfare and sports Development of TamilNadu for Aringar Anna Bicycle Competition
Arivae Thunai Quiz Competition Hosted by Kalaigar TV Channel
Certificate of Excellence Won First Prize in Pot Decoration Competition M.Harshitha
Honoring the Scout Spirit World Thinking Day Celebration
Promoting Sustainability Sairam Matric Hr. Sec. School at Environmental Expo
Senior Citizens of Old age home by Contributing Meals, Fruits biscuits on 15-02-2025
Celebrating Excellence 14th Annual Day of Our School on 25-01-2025
Pongal festival celebrated grandly in our school on 13-01-2025
Triumph in Mental Math and Model Making TVR Sairam XI Students Lead the Way
Inspiring Leadership Launch of NCC Unit at Sairam Matric Higher Secondary School
Principal Mrs. LATCHOUMY Ashok received Swami Vivekananda National Principal award from Education conclave
Awarded First Place In The Thiruvarur District ,by Education World India School Ranking.
Sparkling Diwali Celebrations Fill the School with Joy and Festivity
Silambam Otrai Kambam Veechu First Thiruvarur District on 29-10-2024
Exploring Insights Sairam MHSS TVR Attends Workshop on School Psychology on 24-10-2024
Caring for Vision Eye Camp at Sairam MHSS TVR for Classes I to XII on 24-10-2024
Growing a Greener Future Sairam MHSS TVR Scouts & Guides Plant 100 Saplings on 24-10-2024
Fire Safety First Awareness Programme by Thiruvarur District Fire Officers on 23-10-2024
Gold Medals of Honor G. Santhan and S. Sanjana Shine in Martial Arts Competitions
Vishal E. T. Secures Third Place in Swachh Bharat Abiyan Slogan Competition
Vijayadashami A Sacred Start to the Academic Journey
Celebrating Navratri A Journey Through the Nine Forms of Goddess Durga
Grand Parent’s Day at our school premises With our kindergarten students
Celebrating Space Day Sairam Students Impress at Quiz Competition on 22-08-2024
Empowering Youth Cubs and Bulbuls Activity for Holistic Growth
Celebrating Dedication Sairam School Thanks Its Teachers on 05-09-2024
Cooking in the Wild Scouts and Guides Outdoor Culinary Practice
Innova TN-2024 G. Monishraj’s IoT Agricultural Vehicle Project Earns 15th Place, Commended by Principal
Shriram Chits conducted drawing, essay, and speech competitions based on thirukkural at Sairam matriculation school, Thiruvarur, yesterday(18/08/2024)
The Bharat Scouts and Guides organized a Rajyapuraskar pre-test camp at Sairam Matriculation School, Tiruvarur, on July 19, 2024
78th Independence Day was celebrated on August 15, 2024
National Archery Championship Participation Certificate on 14-07-2024
2nd International open karate Championship 2024
Next Generation Badminton Club Neyveli on 10-08-2024
ATL Marathon Competition (2023-2024)
Tropical Taste Adventure Fruits Day Celebration
Rotary Club of thiruvarur Certificate of Appreciation V.R. Tejas Shri First Rank
Our School Students got felicitated in Vijay Education Award Ceremony – II, 2024.
ISRO Scientist and Coimbatore Collector Award Our Talented Students
Mr.Hariharan.B of tamilnadu has been awarded gold medal in cadet male category in kyorugi event in the championships held on 20th june 2024 at mahatma Gandhi indoor stadium salem, Tamilnadu.
DRUG Awareness programme conducted by the procession dated 26-06-2024
International YOGA day celebrated in our school on 21.06.2024
Ideal Aqua Industries: Purified Drinking Water Excellence
Regional Level Sports Day: Archery and Karate Competition
DEO of TVR District visited our school for Honouring School Toppers of X& XI Board Exam
SaiRam MHSS TVR Received Appreciation certificates from the District Collector Tmt .T.Charusree for 100%Result in X& XII Public Exam.
Sai Ram MHSS TVR Students& Staff (TS & NTS)Contribute Lunch & Needy things ( Dress materials, Rice bags etc) to the persons of Old Age Home at TVR On behalf of Founder’s Day
Sri Sairam Polytechnic College Advance Agriculture Jannathul Faiyza – IX C Fourth Place
SaiRam MHSS TVR student S.Madhan has selected for Inspire Award.₹10,000 is awarded for the project from the Department of science and Technology of India.
75th Republic day on 26.01.2024(Friday)
Invitational State Silambam Championship 2024 Mahalingam Educational Sports Academy tamil singam silambattam Academy TM harshith for the talent
Certificate of Merit certified that Mr/Ms A D Dinesh has won the third Place in the Colour / open hand held on 7th Jan 2024 at N.G. Palace, Sevilimedu, Kanchipuram.
School Education Department Bharathiyar Day/Republic day Sports & Games 2023 – 2024 State Level Sports &Games
Tanjore Dance Festival Award Arudra
SaiRam MHSS TVR Happy Pongal Celebration
SaiRam MHSS TVR BIS Club Mentor attended Training programme..
R. RITHISH RAJAN. VI -C. From Thiruvarur has participated in Tamilnadu Panchayat Yuva Kride Khel State Level Archery Championship 2023
முதலமைச்சர் கோப்பை மாநில அளவிலான வில்வித்தை போட்டி 2023
Cyber Crime Awareness Programme conducted by the Department of Police at SaiRam MHSS TVR on 02/12/2023
District Level Carrom Championship Under 14, 16 & 18 Boys and Girls 28th July 2023
Tamilnadu Panchayat Yuva Krida Khel Abhiyan State level archery Champion 2023
Tamilnadu Archery Association (TNAA) 16 Inter District State Championship 2023-2024
International Level open karate champion on 4th November 2023
Noble World Records Certificate DINESH A D Karate AARUR Dragons martital Arts Academy Thiruvarur Tamilnadu India
S. INDHUJA. 8A. Invitational silambam championship Second place. Single.
S. HRIDHA HASINIKA. 9A. District junior Athletec championship. Under 14 Event. Ball Throw. Third.
INDIA BOOK OF WORLD RECORDS Certificate Of Achievement this certificate proudly presented to S.INDHUJA Title of Achieved the record 2022-2023 Silambam mass world record attempt 2022 – 2023 by 1500 players
7th state level karate championship 2023 held at Aristo public school(CBSE), Cuddalore on the 26th Feb 2023 G. Dharshan placed 3rd place
7th state level karate championship 2023 held at Aristo public school(CBSE), Cuddalore on the 26th Feb 2023 S. Dharshan placed 3rd place
7th state level karate championship 2023 held at Aristo public school(CBSE), Cuddalore on the 26th Feb 2023 C. Nithin placed 1st Place
7th state level karate championship 2023 held at Aristo public school(CBSE), Cuddalore on the 26th Feb 2023 M. Vishwaraman placed 1st Place
District Junior Athletic Championship 2022-2023 Certificate of Merit Under14
District Junior Athletic Championship 2023 Certificate of Merit Under 16
6th state level karate championship 2022 held at Lakshmi Chordia Hr.sec School, Cuddalore on the 3rd April 2022 A.K.M Rishy placed 3rd place
Oympiad Bronze Prize List – 2022-23
Oympiad Silver Prize List – 2022-23
Oympiad Gold Prize List – 2022-23
Vijaya Dashami admission at Sai Ram MHSS TVR.
13th Sports day celebration on 21.10.2023(Saturday) Celebration in a grand manner
Our school students Project has been selected as ONE among 400 Winning teams 22-23 out of 4500 +teams all over India.
SaiRam MHSS TVR Based on SDG ACTION Programme,Dispose of Waste through Sewage Disposal Vehicle Awareness Programme is conducted in the presence of Thiruvarur Municipality Commissioner Tmt. D. Malligha B.sc & the Chairman Tmt.S.Bhuvanapriya B.sc.,
SaiRam MHSS TVR Our school football team winners of District Level received certificates from the District Collector of TVR Tmt. T.Charusree I.A.S Selected to State Level Competition.
Indian Red Cross Society procession in the presence of District Collector
Educational Development Day
SaiRam MHSS TVR School is honoured by the visit of Our Chairman sir , along with Our CIO sir, for inaugurating LEO MUTHU INNOVATION CENTRE. 3 Students were honoured Cash Award of ₹ 1000/ each for best Performance by Our Chairman sir.
REMEMBRANCE PRAYER Floral distribute has been paid by the Teachers and students, to our Guiding Star Remembrance Day during the Assembly Prayer Floral tribute
Our school Taekwondo team received Certificates from the Tmt. T.Charusree I.A.S District Collector for District Summer Camp.
Graduation day Celebration 2023
Staff & Students of SaiRam MHSS TVR paid floral tribute to Our Beloved Chairman on 71st Founders Day Celebration
K.MadhuBashini & K.ManjuBashini have received Noble Books of World Record for Silambattam
Tamil Vishwak.S of SaiRam MHSS TVR has won 2nd place in Chess Competition of K.M.Creative Education Academy.
SaiRam MHSS TVR has won 2nd place and received ₹5000 cash award for SaiTechS2T Science Competition.
Annual Day celebration-2023
Pongal celebration-2023
International Multilingual Dance Competition.
GJ.Daya has won 1 St place in Regional Level VOCAL Carnatic Music Competition.
G.J.Dharni has bagged First Place in Regional Level Vocal Carnatic Music Competition.
A.K.M. Rishy of lX std from SaiRam MHSS TVR has bagged 2nd place in INTERNATIONAL KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP at DUBAI.
Girl students of SaiRam MHSS TVR attended Child Abuse Awareness programme at Thiruvarur Women Police Station.
5 students of SaiRam MHSS TVR participated in the 2 days Sensitization programme for Climate Change Mitigation Adaptation and Resilience at Central University.
SaiRam MHSS Teachers performance entertained the students for Children’s Day Celebration
G. J Dharani of SaiRam MHSS TVR has won 1 St place District Level Karnatic Music and will participate State level Competition at Thiruchengodu K.S.R Engeering College on 15 .11.22
B.Jaya Rakshana -XI & S.V Karan Kishore of SaiRam MHSS TVR have won 2nd Place in District Level Quiz Competition of Tamilnadu Science Forum.
Today our school celebrated INTERNATIONAL FOOD DAY to Emphasize SDG Goal No.3(Good Health & Well Being) Instead of eating regular food , All the students were made to prepare food in their classrooms without fire 🔥 and eat the same for lunch.
Two teachers ,Mrs. S. Buvaneswary & Mrs.R. Kalaiselvi attended ,2 days Sensitization programme for Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation and Resilience at Central University. Our teachers highlighted the role of SaiRam Institutions in bringing SDG goals to the society through our students & SDG goal no.13 as per the topic.
G.J Daya& G .J Dharani of SaiRam MHSS TVR students performed vocal music at Thiruvarur District Collector’s camp for Kolu Celebration.
Navaratri Festival has been celebrated with playing of Veena, Violin & Keyboard by the Music Club students of SaiRam MHSS TVR.
Navaratri festival at SaiRam MHSS Thiruvarur
Mohamed Ashiff of SaiRam MHSS TVR,has won 3rd place in District Level,SHOT PUT& DISCUSS THROW.
Mohamed Shahid of SaiRam MHSS TVR has won 2nd place in District Level 100 mts Running .
Dhuvaraga of SaiRam MHSS TVR bagged 1st place in District , under 19 Long Jump . Selected to State Level.
SaiRam MHSS TVR Scout & Guide Club Activity Saplings are presented to the teachers by the Guide students.
JRC Club Activity
SaiRam MHSS TVR Science club Activity Ozone Day Celebration
OZONE Day Celebration
SaiRam MHSS TVR Heritage & Culture Club Activity
Teachers day competition winners are also honoured by the wards grand parents.
Grand Parents Day Celebration
Robotics competition conducted in SASTRA UNIVERSITY,THANJAVUR
Sairam Matriculation Hr.sec School, Thiruvarur chess competition conducted in the school selecting participation in the Olympia
Blessing Day event was held at nearby the Board exam students along with their parents. (29/04/2022) SaiRam Matriculation Higher School Tiruvarur.
Ms. V.HAASINI for the talent displayed by her in the 6th state level Karate championship 2022
Celebration of Founder’s Day at SaiRam MHSS TVR . Sweets,& Kabasura kudineer contributed to all the staff.
Thiruvarur District Chess Association J.VIJAY of Sairam Maticution Higher Sec School Participation in the under 15 Boys district level chess Tournament at New Bharath Matric ,Hr Sec School on 28/11/2021 to he has Scored 3 Points out 4 rounds and Secured 3 rd place.
Sairam Matriculation Hr.sec School, Thiruvarur celebrated Navaratri festival 2021
Sairam School, Thiruvarur celebrated the 75th Independence Day
The Sixth Memorial Day of our founder Chairman was conducted in our school on 10.07.2021.
Chairman’s 69th Birthday Celebration on 02/04/2021.
National Science Day 2021
National Science day 2021
Light your talent competition of Sairam Engineering college
A.K.M Rishy& S.Madhan of VII STD won ll and lll prize in the State level open Karate Championship conducted at Perambalur District. They were honoured by the District s Sports Officer of TVR.
72nd Republic day grandly celebrated in our school on 26.01.2021
Plants Afforestation – Central library of Pulivalam Thiruvarur
Biodegradable and Non Biodegradable Wastages
Thiruvarur thiyagarajar temple Cleaning -Sairam matriculation higher secondary school students.
Sairam school Thiruvarur – Our students and school teachers share our SDG Project With Orphanages, To give dresses,foods,study material and snacks,fruits we share our project. They were blessed us during gave dress
Ayudha pooja Celebration 2020
Kolu Celebration 2020
74th Independence day
Fifth Memorial Day of Founder.
INSPIRE AWARD of Rs.10000 District Level Exhibition & Project Competitions (DLEPCs)
Red Cross two wheeler procession along awarness van visit sairam Matriculation school tiruvarur today(20/02/2020) they have been Honoured
Pongal celebration
Road safety awareness competition 20-01-2020
annual day celebration 2020-2021
Children’s day was celebrated in our school and sweets distributed to the students
Clean India
Teachers Day
Sports day and 73
Independence day
International yoga day
World Elders Abuse Awareness Day
Winner Teakwondo divisional competition at Tanjavur
our school student M.Syed Absal of VIII std participated in District level Chess Tournament
Founder’s Day Celebration
67 students participated in the Sivapuranam Natiya Vaibhavam 2019 Dance program, organised by “Divine Fine Arts Sabha” for Traditional Book of records and Tresure hunt record held at Arulmigu Thiyagaraja Swamy Temple at Thiruvarur.
World Saving Competition
8th Annual Day Celebrations – 26-01-2019
Talent Exam was conducted by JCI. Our School Students won First , second & Third Prize out of 500 Schools.
Best Out of Waste and drawing competition was conducted for Children’s day celebration and prizes were distributed on Annual Day.
Pongal celebration was held on 12.01.2019
Thulir Talent Test won district prize
Competition Winners 2018
Children’s Day 2018
SAI TECH S2T Science Project Contest
Diwali celebration
Our School Student J.Vijay of VIII std participated in Nagapattinam District Chess Association and Won Sixth place in under 13 boys category.
“National Unity Day ” Pledge in our School Prayer
CEO conducted all the school Principal meeting at our campus
Our school students participate State Level Science Drama Competition at Thiruppur on 23.10.18
Sairam Thiruvarur Wishes a team of participants with the teachers to participate State level Science Drama competition at Thiruppur
Vijayadasami Celebration
Science Drama Competition
United Nation Sustainable Development Goal Programme.
Kids – Blossoming Day
School 8th Sports day – 2018
Chess Tournament on 26.8.2018.
Our School students were participated in Thiruivarur District – Zondal Match.
72nd Independence Day celebration
Veettukku Oru Vignan science exhibition
Workshop – Know your Brain on 04.08.2018
Parents – Teachers Association was conducted on 04.08.18, for 11th std.
Fire and Rescue Awareness programme on 03.08.2018
Science Club Inauguration is conducted in this school on 28th July, Saturday.
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Third remembrance day on 27.07.2018
First Degree Black Belt in Karate competition.
Education development day
Brain O Brain fest 2018 96th Regional Abacus competition festival held at Trichy on 15.07.18
Chairman Sir Remembrance day
Museo’ Bus – Government of Museum
Zone level Competition Winners
Received Rolling Cup from Rotary club of Thiruvarur for 100% result in X std
Library Reading Inauguration
NEET & JEE – Guidance Programme
E-Book Induction Programme
International Yoga Day at our school campus, association with Indian Express 21st June 2018.
Our school student E.Harish III – STD received First Degree Black Belt in Karate competition.
XI std Induction Programme held at our school campus on 8.6.2018
World Environmental day is being celebrated on 05.06.18
Abacus open competition and won runner
Saplings planted on Founder’s day
Founder’s Day Celebration on 02.04.2018
Founder’s day Drawing and Kavithai Competition
Inter Schools Yoga Competition 2018
Scouts and Guides camp
7th Annual Day Celebration
Pada Pooja Celebration is conducted on 25.01.2018
Humanity Week Awareness Procession on 24.01.18
69th Republic Day Celebration
M-Power Curriculum Tab installation programme
Sai Expo – 2018 on 5.1.2018 (Friday)
Pongal Celebration on 11.01.2018
Scout & Guide Camp – 2017
Our School Students received award from the Collector of Thiruvarur for World small savings competition
Tamilnadu Open Yoga Sports Championship -2017 on 10.12.2017
3rd State level Karate Championship
M Power Orientation Programme
Karthigai Deepam festival on 01.12.2017
International Club Karate Championship
Swimming Competition conducted for Dr.M.G.R. 100th Birthday celebration by our Government
students participated in drawing competition conducted by the Thiruvarur museum, and won the first and third prizes.
Child line welfare Competition
Deepavali Sweet Distribution
10th & 12th Student Award function
Kolu celebration – 2017
XIth & XIIth student participated Quiz Competition
Teachers Day Celebrated on 05-09-2017
Independence day was celebrated on 15.08.2017 Tuesday.
Sports day celebration on 12.8.2017 Saturday
Parents – Teachers Association
Student Rakshana of IXth STD Won second prize in Drawing Competition
Our school students, V.Akshaya of 10th std and K.Saranya of 7th std participated in the speech competition-won Ist place
Student R. Padme Pooja of VIIIth STD participated in Drawing competition
Rotary Club of Thiruvarur awarded Rolling Tropy to our school for +2 Public Examination, first place in Thiruvarur Town.
World Population day
Road Safety Competition
Our Chairman’s Second Remembrance day is celebrated on 10/07/2017
Tamil Nadu State Taekwondo competition
Drugs awareness programme
3rd International Yoga day was celebrated on 21st June, 2017
Tamil Literary Association Celebration
Founder Chairman 65th Anniversary Birthday Celebration
World Environment Day was celebrated on 8th June, 2017.
Educational trip
Our School 6th Annual Day was celebrated on 4.2.17 Saturday.
National Youth’s Day Program
Felicitation event of first rank holders of 10th & 12th standard students of Thiruvarur district on 17.12.2016
Celebrating Karthigai Deepam Celebration on 12.12.2016
Children’s Day Drawing Competition
Children’s Day Celebration on 14.11.2016
70th Independence Day & 6th Sports Day celebrations 2016 – 17